How to handle Israel-Gaza war?

How to handle Israel-Gaza war?How to handle Israel-Gaza war?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

What is the war about?

It’s a war of beliefs.

Like most of the wars have been.

Which countries fight doesn’t matter.

Ultimately, it is the beliefs that fight, ideologies that fight.

Whether it is Jews and Muslims, Hindus and Muslims, or Democracy and Communism.

Most of the wars are like this.

Very few wars are the wars of righteousness.

Very few people can even understand this, let alone do anything about it.

And who can understand this?

Only those who have gone within have been on the spiritual path and realized that the ego is at the center.

Manifestations of Ego can be as small as flimsy quarrels between husband and wife or a dire war between Israel and Gaza.

Spirituality looks at the cross-section of the whole Sansar and takes you to the root of it.

Only when one contemplates deeply on this does he realize that the real enemy is not Muslims, Jews, or Hindus; the real enemy is the Ego,

which has been fed into our minds since childhood.

Ego = totality of all your identifications (religions, ideologies, beliefs, etc ).

Religions are inventions of the human mind.

People are getting killed just because of their beliefs.

What good are these beliefs?

We hide our enemy within us, perpetuating it from generation to generation.

A Jain father tells his children, “You are a Jain.” And he becomes a Jain.

Only when such dire events occur we suddenly wake up.

But we never learn from them.

We have two choices.

Either we feel depressed, emotional, and helpless or channel our energy and intensify our search for THE ONE, which is above the Ego ( mind ), the root cause of all conflicts in the world.

Also, spirituality has been wrongly interpreted by many as being lazy and passive.

That is far from the truth.

When your blood boils for someone’s suffering ( parmarth- helping others ), put it into action instead of getting into a whirlpool of emotions, condensing the Ego further.

Whirlpool never moves anywhere.

Parmarth comes after realizing the svarth ( Sva= self arth = meaning ) has heavenly quality.
People have done it.

Krishna didn’t tell Arjun to lay down his arms because it was a fight for righteousness.

Many Americans left the US and went to Ukraine to fight against Russia.

People get involved if they have parmarth at their heart.

Even something as simple as writing an email to the president and requesting him to influence Israel to cease fire, whatever.

I remember that a simple letter from a girl named Samantha, who feared a nuclear war, wrote a letter to then-Soviet leader Andropov.

Words, emotions, and discussions are cheap; actions are not.

Actions can change the direction of your life.

Spirituality is about realizing your infinite inner power and how that power will be utilized. No one knows, but it will always be pure.