Why can’t I meditate?

Why can’t I meditate?Why can’t I meditate?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Meditation is going beyond the mind. 
We cannot go beyond the mind, because the mind is full of Sansar.
And it’s not an accident.
Everything that exists in our mind has been chosen by the US.
Until one realizes the futility of Sansar, the inward journey cannot start.
What are the futile activities we were and still are interested in?
1. Gossiping, backbiting, putting others down ( so that we look or feel better about ourselves ). ( Vs we never praise others, because we look inferior ).
2. Discussing world affairs where we have no say in it.
3. Trying to change others ( when we can hardly change ourselves ).
4. Comparing ourselves with others ( who have more or less than us ).
5. Futile activities ( from which we don’t learn anything, or progress in life, they are just time passes).
6. Forming opinions ( any kind ).
Opinions are like hardened knots in our minds, very difficult to dissolve, and they are the cause of conflicts with others.
Opinions reveal one thing, your intention to show the world that YOU ALSO KNOW. ( in fact, all our knowledge is borrowed knowledge, not OUR knowledge ).
7. Live in the past ( which is gone ) or the future ( which is not in our hands ), which only shows our lack of spiritual strength to handle the present.
These are the activities that drain us out – mentally and physically, and don’t leave any time for meditation.

All these activities we have been doing for our whole life.
What have we achieved?
Anything meaningful that we can call OURS, and that will stay with us forever?
So, why not give meditation a try?