Shunyata – 2

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Shunyata - 2

Shunyata – 2 


Like a particle and its anti-particle balance each other, +2 and -2 balance each other, on a mega scale, all the manifestations in the universe balance each other.

Day and night.
Man and woman.
Food and hunger.
Water and thirst.
Superiority complex and inferiority complex.
Gain and loss.

Flowers and bees.

Up and down. Etc

The beauty of mathematics is in numbers, but all the numbers have their exactly equal opposites, and all the pairs of opposites find their source only in zero – THE ONE.

Zero ( shunya ) has no opposites.

Zero is the storehouse of all the numbers of mathematics.

Zero is bearing the weight of infinite gigantic numbers on its shoulders, and balancing them.

There is no end if you keep running and dwelling in numbers ( duality ).

They can go on forever.

But staying in Shunya gives you peace and rest from running.


Because in the center of it all is the zero ( shunya state ), balancing it all.

You will never find peace in duality, but in shunya state, you will.

All our thoughts are our attempts to find peace in duality.

That will never happen.

Having no thoughts is resting in that pristine primordial formless state of Shunyata, which is the source of all the forms in the universe.

Experiencing that powerful, enigmatic state, the mother of all the forms is the Samadhi state, and it is within all of us.


Remember the profound statement of my grandson 😊 –

“Zero is not nothing; it is everything.” – which resonates with the eternal truth proclaimed by our Rishis –

Shunya state is not nothingness; it is Everythingness.

Shunya is Purna.

Dvait ( Sansar ) is incomplete and relative to each other ( pairs of opposites ).

Advait is complete, total, and absolute.

Shunyata is Godliness and everything and everyone are His manifestations.


There is a state from where every thought is an exit from peacefulness and an entry into the Sansar.

Just the way, every number is an exit from a peaceful shunya state and an entry into the complex world of numbers.

Numbers are divisions.
Numbers are comparisons.
Numbers are competitions, frictions, rivalries, and their resulting emotions.

Because numbers are divisions, one who is very money-minded will never be able to experience the Samadhi state.

Because for them, whole life is business, or even worse, business is life for them.

Money is essential, but it is a product of Sansar, and it shouldn’t become one’s life.

Such people, even if they try to do charities, even charities will become a business for them.

And that’s why the knowledge that flows with a price tag, is never pure, because it is flowing from impure minds.



Mar 05,2024

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