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Why do we criticize?


We feel better after demeaning someone as it satisfies the ego. It’s like we tend to erase the line to make it shorter instead of drawing a bigger line. When we know we can’t be better than someone, we start criticising others to make their lines shorter.

Correct, but why does Ego needs to get bigger?

There is always an internal reason for an external behavior.

We always talk in terms of – Mind, Ego, Soul ( Consciousness ), etc, as if they are objects.


The trick is subjectification. ( Putting oneself in the equation ).

While discussing and using names like mind, Ego, consciousness,
Etc, somehow objectifies them.

But they are not objects; they are subjects – THEY ARE US.

We are the mind, the Ego, and the consciousness.

We agree that the ego wants to look bigger at the cost of others, and that’s why it criticizes them, correct?

And why does the Ego want to look bigger?

Because it feels that it is small, it is incomplete.

But it is not Ego; it’s us; let’s subjectify it; we feel ourselves to be small and incomplete.

That means we feel inferior and incomplete in our own eyes, even before we start criticizing others ( thinking that this would make us complete ).

Because only an incomplete person would want to become complete.

Hungry seeks food and
Thirsty seeks water.

Accept it.

This way, by subjectifying the ego, we suddenly realize that every time I criticize, I’m declaring myself to be incomplete ( and it is all internal, nobody knows it, BUT I DO. ).

This suddenly brings the ball in my court, and creates an urge within me to fix the problem.

Criticism is a symptom of a more deeper disease: “being incomplete.”

And what is criticism by definition? : finding incompleteness in others.

So, realize this well.

During criticism, I, an incomplete person, am projecting myself into the world by pointing the finger at the incompleteness of others.

( This is like spreading my potent COVID to others instead of taking care of my disease ).

This is a life lived in negativity, in which your disease stays the same.

So, to summarize –

“ When we criticize, we are proving ourselves to be incomplete.

And our disease is incompleteness.”

The solution is not to criticize, but become complete.




Aug 31,2024

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