Where is Samsara?

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Where is Samsara?

Where is Samsara?

Externalizing Sansar is not going to help.

That is a cunning mental trick: transferring responsibility, passing the buck.

We have to realize this fact head-on.

Sansar is within us, and we have to deal with it.

But, even the word Sansar is misleading.

What we have within us is not the physical Sansar but only a reflection created by our mental energy.

A physical rose is not in our minds; only its image is.

Millions of dollars themselves are not in our minds; their image is.

Our mental energy is constantly moving, changing, and jumping from one image to the next.

By calling it SANSAR, we are giving it a solid appearance, which does not properly describe it.

Mind ( thoughts ) is nothing but a dancing energy.

Our language falls short in describing essential facts like this.

Sansar should be called “Sansaring,” as it is a flow rather than a fixed entity.

( Rain should be called raining ).

This swiftness, mobility, of the mind, can be a problem, but it also can be a blessing.


While you meditate, you realize that the thoughts in front of you, are nothing but a dancing energy.

It is “ Sansaring” rather than Sansar, energy rather than a solid object, a flowing river rather than a boulder.

Realizing this deeply, can lead one to give up their attachment.


You can own a bicycle, but can you own bicycling?

We all try to own the Sansar ( and we are doing it ), but can we own Sansaring ( a kinetic dance )?

Sansar is not an object, it is a process, an energy.

No one can own energy.

That means there is nothing to own, and nothing to get attached to.

This, in turn, leads to dispassion towards the chaotic Sansar and passion towards the sthitpragnya Self.


You are not a form, but you are “forming” and “dis-forming” every second.

You are a process, and so is everything else.

If you try to own anything or anyone here, you are living an illusory life.

Oct 09,2024

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