Sansar = Repetition. Why? How?

Sansar = Repetition. Why? How?Sansar = Repetition. Why? How?
admin Staff answered 2 weeks ago

Every day is different; every situation in life is different, and every moment is different.

No moment repeats itself, ever.

So, where is repetition?

Environment or atmosphere is not constant either, and yes, moments and situations also constantly change.

We change; everyone and everything changes.

Where is the repetition?

The repetition is in our thought patterns and how our mind reacts, relates, and attaches to things, e.g., likes and dislikes.

Samsar is thoughts. Samsara is in mind. Hence samsar is repititon.

There is no repetition.

But the mind wants repetition, which leads to likes, dislikes, desires, frictions, competition, and other such phenomena.


But, the mind is a fool.

It likes repetition because it cannot deal with unexpected events ( unexpected by the mind ).

Repetition is the desire of the mind, a fantasy, and leads to suffering.

Our WHOLE sansar is repetitive.

Our Sansaric self ( as we know ourselves – Ego ) is full of repetitions.

We live with repetitions in our heads and die with repetitions in our heads.

In reality, every moment is unique, and it never repeats itself.

And yet, we have created our imaginary world entirely of fantasized repetitions.

If that is not an illusion, what is?

We want all our “likes” to be repeated all the time.

Even avoiding the “dislikes” in our lives is only a way of filtering the Sansar to help us reach and eventually keep repeating our “likes.”

We avoid carrots at parties to eventually find and consume the carrot cake ( repeating our previous experience with carrot cake ). ( Carrots ( and nothing else in nature ) are not addictive, but man made carrot cakes are !! ).

Our friends and relationships are our “carrot cakes” – repetitions; we want to ensure they remain part of our everyday lives.

We want to pick up the phone and talk to our friends and relatives; we expect them to be there for us every day.

All our choices in life are based on our hope of repeating them.

We can’t change our God, our religion, our lifestyle, or our objects of pleasure ( from unhealthy to healthy ).

These are called Sanskaras ( impressions of outside world ).

We live in sanskaras and die in sansakaras.

We resist change all the time.

We are addicted to everything and everyone in our lives.

Resisting a change shows our innate addiction for REPETITION.

Our desires for repetition even manifest in our imaginations.

Imaginations of afterbirth, next life, heaven, hell, etc., are all based on our desires to keep repeating the same lives that we have lived so far.
Imagining a future is only an imagination; it is only a desire to keep repeating the same repetitions in life.

A mirage is a hope for water, but not water.

The future is only a fantasy of the mind, not a reality.

It only reveals our lust for life.

We die only with a hope that we get another life.

And even if we get another life, what would we do? – repetition of the same repetitions filled life.

Time to wake up is NOW.

Abhijit was correct – the seat of such foolish ideology is the mind.

It all boils down to MIND.

Whatever we are, 100% of it has to be let go.

Meditate and rise above the mind and merge into the consciousness, which never repeats itself because it is eternal, and that’s where the imaginary journey of illusions ends; dreams end, and you wake up.

Anything that you can count can be repeated, but not shunya. ( zero ).

Repeating means expanding, accumulating, and boosting one’s Ego ( more money, friends, fame, FB clicks ).

Try repeating shunya; it will remain shunya.