What is the difference between personality and character?

What is the difference between personality and character?What is the difference between personality and character?
admin Staff answered 1 week ago

The word “ personality “ comes from a Greek word –
PERSONA = mask.

It comes from Greek Theater, where actors were made to put on masks based on their roles to enhance the role’s effect, not necessarily matching the real person behind the mask.

Personality is ever-changing, based on who is in front of us – out boss Vs our spouse.

Personality in real life is based on our interactions with Sansar.

Personality is superficial.

The character ( charitra ) is more deeper.

Both are external, of course, because that’s how we present to the world.

But, the character has a deeper connection with what you “really” are within ( good or bad ).

Personality can change quickly based on what is required, and it can even be fake.

However, a character can take a long time to change, as it needs inner reflection and cleansing from within.

Strength lies with character, as it is deeply rooted, not with personality.

The deeper you are connected, the more strength you will have in your character.

Either way, both are external because even the word “person” is also based on “persona.”

So, spiritually speaking, whatever we are, including our body and mind, is nothing but a mask that we are wearing and presenting ourselves to the world, and it is not real.

Our true self is deep within, and the deeper we go, the more authentic and real we become.

Down the road, at some point, we don’t have to be fake anymore; our true self will express itself, and that will become our character.