Thought of the day.

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Thought of the day.

Thought of the day.


Even though we were born in the matter, spirit is our destiny.

We keep dwelling on the matter because of our ignorance.

Matter in any form ( objects, people, situations ) is ever-changing , ever-mobile, and ever-evasive.

Relying on it is like building a palace in the sand; sure to collapse.

Relying on objects of pleasure, relying on the support of other followers of “your “ religion, “” your” philosophy,” “your” ideas and beliefs, relying on others for your support, etc., is childish.

The spiritual path is the path of this realization, a path of ascendence from ignorance to knowledge.

The iota of that infinite spirit is within us as the soul.

The soul is the only support that never fails you; be “self”-supported. ( the true self = soul ).

Cut out all your dependences, and emerge like a lion who hunts for himself, and lives for himself; find your own path guided by the soul.

If you deeply understand it through meditation, sorting out matter and spirit is as easy as sorting out oil and water.

Of course, all matter is matter ( objects, people, situations, including your body ).

But all your thoughts, emotions, and experiences are also derived from and centered around matter.

The ignorance is – not realizing this.

It may take your whole life, but this realization has to happen at some point, and that point is the point of salvation, the point of freedom from the matter and entering into the spirit – the LIFE itself – the ultimate freedom.

Nothing else matters in this life; only LIFE matters ( the positivity); dwelling in the rest is just dabbling with death (the negativity ).


The only prayer worth having within, all the time, in silence.

Asatoma Sadgamay ( take me from untruth to the truth )

Tamasoma Jyotirgamay ( from darkness to the light )

Mriyuma Amrutam gayam ( from mortality to immortality ).

Ohm Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi. ( Peace, Peace, Peace. )



Dec 20,2024

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