Does beauty create desire, or does desire create beauty?

Does beauty create desire, or does desire create beauty?Does beauty create desire, or does desire create beauty?
admin Staff answered 4 days ago

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder – the famous quote says.

Beauty is not a fixed “thing”.

Everyone has a different definition of beauty.

What I call beautiful may not be beautiful for others.

We are so fixated on the material world that we believe only what is happening in front of us.

We never go within and analyze our life from within.

We think desire arises when beauty is seen.

In reality, the desire was already there in a hidden state and only manifested in specific settings.

That is the trick Maya plays on us: to make us believe in Sansar and keep running after it.

Desire is always hidden within our psyche and arises in appropriate settings ( when it finds what it is already looking for ).

Our minds have been conditioned for a long time with fixed ideas about specific types of beauty.

When it encounters such conditions, the hidden desire attaches itself to the outside entity ( objects, Persons, or situations ), and pleasure occurs.

We don’t know this about our internal happenings, so we attribute this pleasure to the outside entity and call it beautiful.

So, DESIRE CREATES THE BEAUTY ( satisfaction of the desire results in pleasure ).

For example, if you are really, really thirsty, simple water will bring great joy.

They will laugh at you if you share this joyful experience with someone.

But when you are not thirsty, water will not bring pleasure; something else, like Coke, will be required.

If you are very hungry, even a small piece of dry roti will feel like a lifesaver, but when you are not hungry, a piece of cake will be required for pleasure.

That means what we attach our pleasure to is decided by our inner state rather than the outside entity.

Only when we remove our focus from the outside world can we realize that we all have hidden vrttis ( tendencies ) and vasanas ( desires ) within us, which create our world experience while we are alive.

And these vrttis and vasanas, we all are born with, whether we know or not.

They manifest as we go through our lives, one by one.

We keep running after Sansar to fulfill them and attach pleasures ( or pains ) to our lives.

Mind, body, and Sansar are disastrous trinities we never escape.

Vrttis and Vasanas make us run to seek objects of pleasure.

So, running is hidden within us, and it has nothing to do with Sansar.

Sansar is innocent; it only provides a playground for our vrttis and Vasanas.

Spirituality says to realize the futility of your own MENTAL SANSAR that you have created and transcend it.

Find consciousness beyond vrttis or vasanas, and Sansaric cycles will stop.

If you die without desires, no body is needed anymore.

Yogas chitta vrtti nirodh
– Patanjali.

Yoga means the destruction of all vrttis.

Externalizing ourselves to the outside world is the cause of our suffering.

Internalizing is the only path to a joyful state.

Sansar’s experiences, including running after beauty, hunger, thirst, sukh, dukh, fame, and recognition, are all dualistic ( created by an individual, requiring something or someone else ).

Everyone lives in their own self-created world, within the shell of their own likes, dislikes, concepts, vrttis, and vasanas, and that way, we become the creator of our own suffering by running after them.

Only when we transcend the mind can we “experience” the non-dual Advait, a state of absolute bliss.

In that way, we become creators of our own happiness.