They were not two.
They BECAME – ONE – ( with ) the consciousness.
They are one, but our perception of them makes them look double because they are beyond time and space, and we are not.
That is an illusion created for us by their Chetna.
I love this shlok.
What an authoritative and indisputable statement with no flicker in it.
Your beginning, your middle, and your ending – it’s all ME.
It’s where the consciousness takes us in its lap.
Experience the same in meditation. It is a wonderful experience.
In the same way, the dual world ( that we are in ) seems dual to us, but it is only one consciousness.
We also see duality in our dreams, which are only produced within our non-dual mental energy.
“I am the Self, O Gudakesa, seated in the hearts of all creatures. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.”
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10: The Opulence of the Absolute
This shlok points to this fact.
To us, a beginning, the middle, and the end are separate, but that is because of our limited minds.
But in reality, they all are just Krishna ( the consciousness ) – the ONE.