What is collective consciousness?

What is collective consciousness?What is collective consciousness?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

The collective mind is the TOTAL MIND of a community, society, and nation.

Individual minds are individual minds.

But are there any individual minds left that are capable of independent thinking?

Nowadays, minds are heavily influenced by people, friend circles, religious organizations, books, social media, politicians, etc.

Our mind is not OUR mind anymore.

We walk around with a big crowd in our minds.

The crowd thinks for us.

Such an influenced mind loses the clarity and the power of independent thinking.

Little by little, a collection of such influenced minds eventually creates the TOTAL MIND, the COLLECTIVE MIND of a society – its cross-section.

A society with a collective mind will exist, survive, and even thrive ( materially ), but it will always remain poor ( spiritually ).

Such a society will not produce entities like Mahavir, Buddha, Jesus, or Vivekanad – the spiritual stalwarts.

Understanding the concept of the collective mind is very important on the spiritual path.

Only then can our mind start digging a new channel within, a channel of independence and independent thinking, and look for ways to develop it.

To have independent thinking is a rare event, and it is impossible without knowing the true self, the consciousness.


Because consciousness always stands apart, towering over its products, just like Picasso will always stand apart, towering over any of his paintings.

Go to the source from which everything arose.

It will provide the unique freshness that will beat the staleness of the collective mind.

Meditate deeply.

Be ready to drop every single byte of information stored by your mind so far, and you will find yourself at the entrance of the divine temple of pure consciousness.