Why are we celebrating Dussherra?

Why are we celebrating Dussherra?Why are we celebrating Dussherra?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Why are we celebrating Dusshera?
To destroy Raavan.
But in this vast existence, nothing is destructible.
But everything is changeable.
So, we can’t destroy Raavan, we can sublimate him to be Raam.
So, by destroying the statue of Raavan we are pointing towards a wrong path of destruction, not sublimation.
But there is another state beyond Raam and Ravan.
Our current path makes us believe Raam and Raavan to be different entities.
As long as we spend our life in davit ( duality), God’s ( Advait ) realization will never happen.
The path to Advait is the third path.
Godliness ( Advait ) is unifying; it includes Raam and Raavan both.
The path of spirituality is the path of unification.
It requires sublimation, tolerance, and acceptance.
This happens only when you stand apart as a neutral observer.
Goodness, you watch without worshipping it, and badness also, you watch without condemning it.
Rich, you watch without criticizing them, and poor, you watch without sympathizing with them because they are temporary states and they can interchange.
Winnings ( including your own) you watch and losses also you watch, as if you are watching a movie, events can change.
Sansaric joys you watch, realizing their transientness and suffering, you also watch without getting carried away into it. Joys and suffering keep replacing each other.
This way, a neutral entity will start emerging from within.
And that will lead you to Godliness.