Animals have an Ego, and so do humans. Why do humans suffer, and animals don’t?

Animals have an Ego, and so do humans. Why do humans suffer, and animals don’t?Animals have an Ego, and so do humans. Why do humans suffer, and animals don’t?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

The ego is very primitive.

It has existed from day one that life ( as we know it) came into existence because every form needs to at least feed to survive ( if not having a capacity to fight for survival – e.g., bacteria ).

So, even when they feed, they choose some food and reject the other.

Choices are part of the Ego.

And the same way, higher animals have Ego also.

But why is suffering only on the dinner plate of humans?

The answer is –

The ego is not a static thing.

Ego also has been evolving along with the evolution unfolding right in front of our eyes, reaching up to us – humans.

Our mind is much more advanced than animals’ minds, and so is Ego.

The significant difference between us and animals is – animals exist, but they don’t KNOW that they exist.

Humans not only exist, but they also KNOW that they exist.

That’s a profound step in evolution because if you know that you exist, you also know that you MAY NOT exist.

This knowledge alone eats humans from within and generates tremendous fear in them.

This leads to anxiety, grief, competition to survive, frustrations, violence ( surviving one’s existence at the cost of others ), etc.

That’s why man lives in constant fear, stress, etc.

But he cannot help it.

Along with an advanced mind, he has inherited tons of problems.

He doesn’t know what to do with this mind.

Once you know something, you cannot just UNKNOW it.

( This is like when an elephant baby is born; he doesn’t know how to handle his nose.

So, if you notice, his nose keeps dangling until he becomes more mature and develops control over it ).

So, such advanced knowledge is the newest tool among all the evolutionary gifts that consciousness has showered on us.

So, man can only do two things at this point.

1. He can drown the mind in the objects of pleasure and temporarily relieve this stressful mind.

But this doesn’t last long.

As soon as the effect of things of enjoyment wanes away, he returns to square one.

( That’s why drunk people and junkies end up doing animalistic behavior when they are under the influence ).

2. He can meditate, transcend the mind, rise higher, connect with the consciousness, and realize the limitations of the mind and, that way, reside in a perpetual state of joy.

Choose meditation.

Animals can’t meditate, but we can.

Meditation is evolution. ( listen to my audio on this subject on YouTube ).


( Part 1 –


Part 2 –


Copy and paste the above links into your browser and listen to my audio. )

Regression is against evolution.

Meditation itself is the next phase of higher evolution happening.

Catch the wave.