Are asanas important in reaching Samadhi?

Are asanas important in reaching Samadhi?Are asanas important in reaching Samadhi?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Question –
Did you initially do physical yoga (asanas or pranayama) to focus and increase awareness? Is it helpful to experience samadhi sooner?

Answer –

Great question.

I did them initially, and I am still doing them now.

Yog asanas and Pranayama are part and parcel of the Asthang path of Patanjali ( ancient Rishi – an emblem of Yoga ) to Samadhi.

As we know – 8 steps are

1. Yam – the ( Ahimsa- non-violence, Satya – truthfulness, Asteya (non-stealing ), Brahmcharya ( restraining senses ), Aparigrah – ( restraining consumption )

2. Niyam – ( Saucha – cleanliness, Santosh – contentment, Tap- discipline, Svadhyay – studying scriptures, Ishver parithan- accepting the existence of higher self.

3. Yog Asanas ( physical training )

4. Pranayama ( breath training )

5. Pratyahara ) withdrawal of the senses and utilizing them to go within ).

6. Dharna ( focusing attention )

7. Dhyan ( being aware of the continuity of the awareness )

8. Samadhi ( being absorbed in the totality of awareness ).

As you can see, Yog asanas and pranayama are two small parts of one’s wholesome development, culminating in the Samadhi state.

Yes, they are helpful in developing and maintaining the strength and flexibility of the physical instrument ( body ) given to us.

But by themselves, they won’t be enough, and they are not absolutely must either.

Many certified yoga teachers are walking around who have made yoga teaching their profession, and never have gone into real spirituality.

And there are people who have reached the Samadi state without doing any yoga.

Yoga came into my life when I needed it the most, a new outlet for expanding my spiritual interests.

The first four steps are for the body and the mind, but the last four steps, are the most important steps for the Samadhi Gyan.

But all eight steps are essential, simultaneously, in one form or the other.

You can do any other exercise to keep the body fit, but that’s only a partial achievement.

I have seen many marathon runners never go beyond the benefit of running to the body.

But because I was meditating all along, for me, running a marathon was a spiritual experience – “ when my mind said NO ( didn’t want to run ), I said YES ( you have to run ). “

Similarly, I have seen many people doing Atthais ( 8 days of fasting – only water allowed ) a convoluted form of restraint.

With meditation, I have seen the benefits of maintaining restraint in my senses every time I eat. ( Again – when my mind says YES, I say NO ).

I have seen many vegans who are vegans, but still with remorse that they cannot enjoy the foods that nonvegans are enjoying. ( and I was one of them at one time ).

But, for me, going vegan was a call from within while meditating and experiencing the almighty consciousness.

A sudden realization happened at the soul level that artificial insemination is rape ( as no one asks for consent from the cow whether to get pregnant or not ), and all dairy products are products of rape because my soul cannot be different than the soul of the cow.

In one moment, I climbed higher, to become a spiritual vegan, with no regrets anymore, but having the pure joy of saving some unknown cow from its suffering.

Similarly, I have seen ( and know them personally ), people chanting Geeta and even teaching Geeta in classes at temples, etc.

But none of the teachings of Geeta has transformed them from the inside.

And when problems came in their lives, they came to me to get advice.

This shows that they were living a mechanical life – without awareness.

For me, Geeta brought transformation in my life, because any knowledge is useless if it doesn’t change you.

Yoga asanas are designed to activate various chakras ( energy centers ) of the body, but only if one does this with full awareness.

People live blindly. They need the light of awareness, and it is available only within themselves.

So, the answer is, whatever you do ( asanas or no asanas ) do it in a state of full awareness, and that comes only with meditation.

Samadhi is all about going beyond the mind, whichever method or path you use.