Can you describe God-Realization?

Can you describe God-Realization?Can you describe God-Realization?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

The humongous Sansar we see in front of us, and the mental Sansar we create within our psyche entirely depends on our awareness.

With regular practice, we can learn how to withdraw our awareness within itself rather than let it get “wasted” on impermanent Sansar.

At that point, Sansar starts pulverizing and eventually becomes disposable right in front of our eyes ( of awareness – Pragnya Chakshu ), and what remains is the glorious kingdom of pure divine consciousness, the birthplace of a dream called Sansar.

Descendence of heaven is entirely spontaneous.

The mental state needed for that is very complex and challenging to explain.

Genuine ( not created ) and actually, realized states of Frustration, helplessness, vulnerability, etc., are the culminating stepping stones one takes sequentially and waits.

Patience is an absolute must.

That’s when He descends.

But even then, it’s His “choice “ to shower or not to shower.

Parched dry land is where He showers, but not necessarily, and not always.

If He does, it’s His grace.

If He doesn’t, it’s our fault; we are not ready for Him.

Words are complex, explanations are mysterious, but that’s how it is.

He is the ultimate mystery, leaving you speechless, thoughtless, joyful, and grateful.

This is the only situation where you entirely get decimated by Him, yet it becomes the most joyous moment of your spiritual life.

Staying on the path is the key.

Not just via meditation alone but also reading the right scriptures, Satsang, listening to the correct discourses, and analyzing one’s life based on that – everything helps.