How can we have more joy in life?

How can we have more joy in life?How can we have more joy in life?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

By realizing that the Sansar is nothing but a dream.

The world is full of joy.

Birds live even shorter lives than we do.

Still, they manage to get joy in their lives.


Because they don’t know death.

Since we know death, we keep trying to lengthen our lives – all the time.

Meanwhile, life is passing us by, and we never experience joy.

( Long life is not proof of a joyful life. )

Knowledge of death arises out of taking Sansar as a reality, taking it as the truth.

If we can realize Sansar as a dream, death disappears.

Because in a dream, what is birth and what is death?

It’s all in the dream.

But to know anything AS IT IS, we need contrast.

Saying doesn’t do it.

Thinking doesn’t do it.

Logic doesn’t do it.

Only robust and gross, experienceable evidence is needed.

And that evidence is within us.

We cannot un-know what we already know in our minds ( that death exists ), but we can rise higher than the mind.

And the path is MEDITATION.

There is a life flowing within us incessantly.

When tapped, it becomes a solid proof of the ultimate life which does not know death.

At that point, birth and death become parts of a dream.

At that point, Sansar really becomes a dream and consciousness – the dreamer, and life becomes a joy.