How do I control my anger?

How do I control my anger?How do I control my anger?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

If I have anger and keep fighting it, take vows repeatedly, and fail repeatedly, this will last the whole lifetime.

But if I go to the root of the anger – for example, “expecting my spouse to behave in such a way,” and if they don’t, I get angry.

Instead of trying to control the anger or even keep blaming my spouse for my anger, what happens if I get rid of MY desire for them to behave the way I want?

I become free ( from the desire to control my spouse ), leading to my peaceful mind.

Spouse become free from my interference, leading to their peaceful mind.

In this atmosphere of freedom, peace starts getting established, and a flower of love starts blooming in time.

Condense your sadhana.

Anger is not your enemy; desire ( of any kind ) is your enemy.


Reach to the root of the anger and realize the leading cause of your anger.

Knowing alone will start weakening your desire, and eventually anger also.

To understand me, you have to meditate.


A time will come when you will become an ocean of consciousness.


You will be able to perceive even a single thought arising and running towards the Sansar desiring something.


And consciousness will be able to seal it promptly before it becomes a wild river.