How do we get rid of hatred among human beings?

How do we get rid of hatred among human beings?How do we get rid of hatred among human beings?
admin Staff answered 11 months ago

Where does the hatred reside?
The mind harbors the hatred.
And why does the hatred exist in the mind?
The mind harbors the hatred.
And why does the hatred exist in the mind?

Longing for something and hatred for the other is a product of this duality.

Hatred is a product of duality.
Duality is the process one uses to hate others.
What does one gain by hating others?

The mind always means give and take.

Mind is a business.

To be good, it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort.\

But you don’t have to do anything to impress others and quickly feel good about yourself.

Just put someone down and hate them, and you will look and feel good ( compared to others ).

All this is a game of Ego, feeling good at the cost of others.

And results we see all over the world.

The ego is imaginary – born out of illusion (I am this body ).

Once born ( out of illusion ), it lives in illusion till we die.

Only by transcending the mind can one come out of this illusion and be in the field of non-dual consciousness, which is reality.

And only in this state of reality can one positively feel good by the self, with the self, and in the self, without any external need.

Hatred, unfortunately, will continue until everyone gets enlightened.

Ego fears the truth, like nocturnal animals are so scared of light.

And, inside – there is only truth, only light.

Asatoma Sadgamay, Tamasoma Jyotirgamay ( going from untruth to the truth, darkness to the light )

That’s why Ego looks for innocent victims outside and preys on them since going inside is its death.

( if you can comprehend the similarity, we all are predators in one form or another).

Trying to look better is a crime in the spiritual world because God does not differentiate, but we do.

This shows that Ego is very subtle and cunning which makes the spiritual path tough, but interesting at the same time.