How do you become humble?

How do you become humble?How do you become humble?
admin Staff answered 11 months ago

Genuine gratitude does not arise until you experience the Shunya state.
From a severe hunger, appreciation for even a single piece of dry bread arises; from the Shunya state arises gratefulness for even a single breath.
All the seminars “teaching” you gratitude, all the priests preaching to you to become humble are all fake.
Don’t waste your time elsewhere.
Approach the Maha yogi – the Shunyata, which is within you.
In His presence arises the flower of genuine gratitude.
Along with gratitude also arises the purpose of life, what we are here for.
Until then, life is wasted after meaningless goals (self-limited goals, arising within sansar and subsiding within sansar – not taking you anywhere ).