How do you deal with loneliness? Why does the feeling of loneliness exist?

How do you deal with loneliness? Why does the feeling of loneliness exist?How do you deal with loneliness? Why does the feeling of loneliness exist?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Man is a social animal and wants to be in company with others of the same species, naturally.

But all companies are not the same.

Some companies foster your growth in the right direction ( to the Atma – Satsang ), and some towards Sansar ( perpetual bondage to objects, people, and situations ).

How do you develop ( find ) that ability to discriminate ( wisdom, intellect )?

The answer is being ALONE.

But being able to be ALONE is an art.

When you are just PHYSICALLY ALONE and still have Sansar on your mind, you are not ALONE.

But people who CHOOSE to be alone use their aloneness to the right use, and they try to become SPIRITUALLY ALONE.