I get a bit jealous seeing other people working less and earning exponentially high amt of money. How do I deal with it uncle? Please guide.

I get a bit jealous seeing other people working less and earning exponentially high amt of money. How do I deal with it uncle? Please guide.I get a bit jealous seeing other people working less and earning exponentially high amt of money. How do I deal with it uncle? Please guide.
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Two points.

1. Spiritual path is – coming closer to your own life, your own sheaths – first physical and then mental, rather than observing others’ lives.

2. If one genuinely and profoundly realizes the futility of money ( more than your simple needs ), one will start feeling sorry for the people having money beyond their needs.

Because such money only tends to magnify and bring out their desires rather than take them to a blissful state – which is impossible in Sansar.
Money is like giving a microphone to a crow – what do you expect?

Once the inner contentment is realized in the bliss state, none of such things would matter because, in such a state, the whole Sansar gets nullified and becomes a dream.

How does it matter how much money you had in a dream?

A dream is a dream.


We are not there yet.

Meditate regularly, and see whether what I tell you is right or wrong.


It is unsurprising that many wealthy people ( Hollywood and Bollywood actors, singers ) get trapped in a constant rush to make more and more money, get into addictions, and even eventually die.


Money addiction never let them go higher than Sansar.