I’d like to seek your advice about artificial intelligence. 1. What effect would it have on Sadhak?

I’d like to seek your advice about artificial intelligence. 1. What effect would it have on Sadhak?I’d like to seek your advice about artificial intelligence. 1. What effect would it have on Sadhak?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

No effect.

A spiritual journey is an inward journey.

Sansar and its pros and cons are the outer worlds.

Usually, when we say “ outward “ and “ inward, “we refer to the body – outside and inside the body – which is invalid.

The body is only an instrument that ( believe it or not ) WE have created with our desires.

That means the mind and body are not separate. They are one.

The body is only a sophisticated tool that the mind utilizes to navigate in Sansar – how we use our hands to eat food.

So, our body and our mind are as much part of Sansar as the visible universe outside.

That’s why, whatever happens in the Sansar, affects our minds.

When things go well, we are happy.

But when things don’t go well, we are unhappy.

We have regrets about the past. We have anxieties about the future due to our helplessness.

And all these reside in our minds.

We walk around with them and live a stressful life.