If Sansar is non-dual, how do you explain the duality that we see?

If Sansar is non-dual, how do you explain the duality that we see?If Sansar is non-dual, how do you explain the duality that we see?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

By the way of dreams.

Dreams have a dualistic appearance, not just because of individual people, objects, etc., which appear in the dream, but also because they
SEEM to be so live because of added elements of TIME and SPACE, which orchestrate them.

They are literally like the life we live every day.

And yet, they are not.

They come out of NOTHING ( shunyata ), appear REAL while watching them, and disappear into NOTHING as soon
as we wake up.

Life is no different.

It arises out of NOTHING and disappears into NOTHING.

Between these events ( birth and death ), we experience the duality, all forms ( including our body ) interplaying with each other in the
dimensions of TIME and SPACE, just like in dreams.

And the “life” also SEEMS so REAL, just like the dreams.