if the concept of time is an illusion, why do we age? How do we describe the phenomenon of getting old if there is no time?

if the concept of time is an illusion, why do we age? How do we describe the phenomenon of getting old if there is no time?if the concept of time is an illusion, why do we age? How do we describe the phenomenon of getting old if there is no time?
admin Staff answered 8 months ago

Why do WE age?

That’s the critical question, and the question is holding the answer.

We are not WE.

What we call “WE” is not we; it is an ever-flowing river of energy that we can’t stop or freeze.

And yet, we try by calling ourselves WE.

By the time we finish that sentence, WE have changed.

Millions of molecules come in and go out with every breath.

At the minute level, we changed.

This change doesn’t stop; it continues continuously, whether we know it or not. ( Even science agrees with that.)

You are not the same person who went to bed on a previous night.

And that’s the biggest illusion we believe in ( despite the fact that even the science agrees with this ).

Sun was just a RELATIVE example to explain the illusion of the time.

Of course, the sun was born and will die, but so are all trillions of stars in the universe.

And even the universe will have its birth and a death.

Everything with a form ( the human body, the earth, the sun, the stars, or even the universe ) will be born and die.

But, the space ( the emptiness ) in which this drama is being played out will never be born and will never die.

Clouds come and go (they get born and die ).

Does the sky get born or die?


Consciousness is that emptiness; it is infinite because it is formless.

A formless entity cannot have boundaries; otherwise, it will get a form.

So, the consciousness is formless, infinite, and also is conscious, and it is the life force in which this drama of life is being played out.

Krishna ( the consciousness ) says, “ I am the owner of crores of universes. “

Consciousness is infinite and binds us all.

We cannot escape it, but we can transcend our mental ignorance.

Pure consciousness surfaces when the last thought disappears from our chitta.

The whole universe or inter-universal space is filled with this consciousness, including us.

So, when sansar disappears, He will be always there to take you in.

We sleep at night, and the drama of dreams happens in our mental arena, which is nothing but our dancing mental energy.

In the dream, people are born, age, and even die, but none of that is real.

It’s just an energy dance.

The life that we call real ( including our body ) is also a dance of energy at a much higher level.

Maybe consciousness is having a dream? And we are the dream characters?


But one is for sure – none of this is real.

But that’s my truth.

It has to be your truth.

Disown all thoughts because that is how the Sansar has made its headway into us and made us believe in something that is unreal.

What can you do when your parents tell you to get up at 7:00 and get ready for school?

You do it.

And they can’t do anything either; they have grown up in the same sansar.

But go back to your mediation; this has been happening subtly since the first day of your life.

Maybe someday, you will become thoughtless and BE the pure consciousness.