If we should not expect anything out of meditation, why should we do it in the first place?

If we should not expect anything out of meditation, why should we do it in the first place?If we should not expect anything out of meditation, why should we do it in the first place?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Various people come into spirituality for various reasons.

Some come looking for peace and tranquility.

Some, for finding God, going to moksha, etc.

Some, because they have heard it is good, etc.

These seekers will get disappointed sooner or later.

Some come because they find Sansar inadequate despite having everything in life ( Buddha, Mahavir ).

They are genuine seekers .

Some come because an urge has arisen within them to know “ Who Am I ?, What is this world about ? “ etc.

These will succeed.

I got into spirituality because I was told by my patients, “ Doc, we know what you are saying. We know what to do, but we can’t.”

My dilemma was, as a physician, to find a solution for my patients’ problems, wherever it took me.

If the body has a problem, the mind can take it to the doctor and get help for the body.

But if the mind has a problem ( knows but can’t do it – leading to self-destructive behaviors – eating, drinking, smoking, etc ), who will fix the mind?

And that’s when spirituality came into my life and became a great path to solve almost all the problems of life – theirs and mine.

Meditation as an exploration, meditation as a worthy cause will succeed.