If you donate, what is the main spiritual reason to donate?

If you donate, what is the main spiritual reason to donate?If you donate, what is the main spiritual reason to donate?
admin Staff answered 9 months ago

The only possession that is genuinely yours, ever was, and ever will, is consciousness, and it is something that you cannot even renounce, even if you want to.

Not knowing this fact has cost us a lot – multiple lives, forms, conflicts, and sufferings.

But consciousness has always stayed with us because it is our true nature.

Water can become steam, cloud, icicle, iceberg or a glacier, but never can be not-H2O.

Over many lives, we have tried and have become what not, but all those were temporary and have come and gone, swept away into oblivion, where they came from.

Even today, we keep trying to become many things, but they will prove futile sooner or later.

If you donate, what is the main spiritual reason to donate?

Correct, donation should be more like a renunciation and definitely not an ego-building activity ( which is what we see all around us ).
There is nothing “ours” because there is nothing like “us”.’

Our body, created from five maha tatva ( earth, water, fire, air, and space ) and many minor elements ( zinc, copper, manganese, iron, etc.), needs continuous replenishment from the nature, to exist.

And the formless existence ( Godliness ) is doing that spectacular job without us even realizing it.

So, saying that, yes, there is nothing like “ME”, and that’s why there is nothing like “MINE”.

So, when we do donate, our bhav should be like renouncing.

The whole purpose of spirituality is to demolish our Ego.

But we can’t destroy something that is not real, since Ego is an illusion.

So, understanding the difference between donation and renunciation is very important.

Donating something you like and not what you have excess does the job of diminishing the Ego, but renunciation takes the whole process to a higher level.

Renunciation means – a bhav of disowning ( nothing is mine ).

It removes any chance of enjoyment for the Ego.

In spirituality, bhav is the most crucial factor.

Now, let’s go deeper.

If you have established a bhav of renunciation within, does it really matter whether you give away anything or not?

Renunciation means “disowning,” but disowning is something that you never owned before anyway !!

It’s like saying, “ I am disowning the moon.”

But the bhav of renunciation to settle in our within is important on spiritual path.

So, the question is, what does the bhav of renunciation do for you?
Spirituality is very deep.
The deeper you go, your realizations also get deeper.

That means you really don’t have to “give away” anything.

Having a Bhav itself transforms you.

Why am I running for more if nothing is mine ( what I already have )?

This brings contentment.

So, correct, desires and expectations start diminishing.

Also attachment to what you already have also diminishes.

And all these for what?

Ultimately, it is to merge into Godliness.

Godliness does not see any differences among everything that exists, just like a mother does not see any differences in all her children.

Godliness is uniformity, equality and homogeneity. ( Advait ).

Renunciation leads to God realization.

Once this bhav of renunciation settles down, you will live in that state 24×7.