Is God a creator?

Is God a creator?Is God a creator?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Creation is a confusing concept because there must be a creator for every creation.

A pot maker creates pots out of clay.

A goldsmith creates bangles out of gold.

But Parmatma is totally different from a pot maker or a goldsmith because He is infinite.

He has no separate material that he can use to create us.

He has – Himself.

That means all His “ creations “ are Him only.

He manifests as all these forms ( you, me, animals, birds, mountains, butterflies, the earth itself. galaxies, and even the whole universe ).

When a wave appears in an ocean, the ocean is not creating the wave.

The wave is an ocean itself with a form.

And this applies to everything visible, nonvisible, matter, nonmatter, everything.

Everything is Him, His manifestations.

The problem comes only when we consider ourselves independent ( Ego ).

Then we start dividing Parmatma into compartments – my Atma, your Atma, etc.

That’s our Ego talking, and Ego is a fool.

It cannot go beyond itself.

To go beyond ourselves ( as we know ourselves ), we need MEDITATION.

A manifestation and the one who is manifesting cannot be separated.

That’s why scriptures have described this phenomenon as “a dancer and the dance,” as they cannot be separated.

And that’s why the universe is described as His Leela ( dance, play ) rather than a creation.

If one can understand this well, it becomes easy to drop their personal Ego in meditation because as soon as you fall from your Ego, Parmatma is always ready to catch you; you can’t fall BEYOND Him.

It’s impossible.

There is everything to gain in dropping the Ego.

So, realize this.
There is the same Krishna in everyone.
There is the same Jesus in everyone.
There is the same Buddha and the same Mahavir and Muhammed in everyone.

And all of them are the same Atma ( parmatma ) with different names.

Different names are ignorance.

Knowing that it’s all ONE – is enlightenment.