Is it good to have opinions?

Is it good to have opinions?Is it good to have opinions?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Our opinions are nothing but hardened consciousness, modified consciousness.

Opinions create our identity.

If I go onto a path of republican ideologies, sooner or later, I become recognized as a republican. ( and the same way for a Democrat. ) – not just in the eyes of others but even in my own eyes.

Once these ideologies get settled deeply, we become opinionated, and we walk around with them.

This applies not only to political opinions but any opinion – religious, eating, drinking, health, lifestyle, belonging to a community, nation, etc.

With opinions, we invite conflicts, frictions, and endless discussions wherever we go.

Our opinions ( beliefs, convictions ) make us judge others, downgrade others, misunderstand others, and before we know it, we start living a hellish life.

Our opinions blind us.

This blinded vision makes us choose friends with corresponding opinions and drop people with differing opinions, disregarding their many other good qualities.

Be aware of your opinions.

In between your opinions lies a state of WITNESSING.

Witnessing means not taking any sides, and not creating any identities.

That’s the art of living life, a life of peace and joy.

Meditation is a technique to find that state of neutrality.

It is an art one has to learn to live every moment without any opinion, any judgments, any expectations, and any regrets, just living with pure joy, love, and respect for all.

With opinions, you can love a few selected people.

Without opinions, you can love the whole world.