Is Sansar dual or non-dual?

Is Sansar dual or non-dual?Is Sansar dual or non-dual?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Sansar seems dual, but it is not.

For example –

A day does not turn into night in one second; it comes slowly.

So, the night starts with sunrise.

The light takes another 12 hrs to diminish into the night.

A child and an older man are not two separate states.

As soon as a child is born, the process of his old age has already started, except it takes 80 years to finish.

In the same way, Satyug and Kaliyug are not absolute entities.

One who can perceive the whole Sansar as a process comes out of fixed ideations of good and evil, sukh and dukh, etc.

One that takes you closer to Atma is good ( spiritually speaking ), and one that takes you away is bad ( spiritually speaking ).

From a spiritual point of view, Consciousness and Sansar are like oil and water for one who sees it, totally apart.

One who sees good and bad both is Sansar; he stays lost in Sansar.

He keeps running in between both, and for him, there is no salvation.

But for one who sees good ( positive ) in the soul, the whole Sansar becomes a negativity ( including its so-called sukh which is finite ).
For Duality to exist, something must be fixed, something absolute.
But there is no Absolute in the world.
Everything is in flux and keeps moving.

There are gradations ( as Manish puts it ), but no Absolute.

And yet we have divided the world into YOU and ME, THIS and THAT.

Here is an excerpt ( one of the several that happened in my practice ) from my book ( yet to be published ).

A 40-year-old male came to see me. He was very nervous, anxious, and depressed.

“So, what brings you here ?” I asked
“Doc, Can you help me? Can you prescribe some Xanax for me? “ He said.

“Why? What happened ?” I asked.
“Doc, I was married for ten years, and my wife left me.

Then, I had a girlfriend for three years, but she left me.

Now, I am left alone.

My kids are grown up and busy with their own life.

I am left alone. I can’t take this anymore. “ He explained.
“Well, Steve ( not his real name ), listen, I don’t believe in medications for anxiety, etc.

They have unnecessary side effects, short-term as well as long-term.

But let’s talk. Listen to me carefully.” I said.
“Sure,” he said.

“Say, you eat an apple. Why do you eat an apple? “ I asked

“To get some energy.” He said.

“What’s in an apple? Carbon atom? “ I asked

“Yes.” He replied.
“And you breathe.

What do you get in breathing? Oxygen? “ I asked

“Correct.” He replied. —
“That carbon and oxygen become carbon dioxide and leave your body when you breathe out, right ?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied.
“What happens to that carbon dioxide?

Maybe a tree will pick it up and make another apple ?”I asked

“Yes”. He replied.
“And maybe I will eat that apple, and the carbon atom in that apple will come into my body.

The same carbon atom in your body is now in mine.

The same carbon atoms making your body are making my body now.

We inhale and exhale all the time.

We drink, and we urinate.

We eat, and we defecate.

There is a continuous cycle going on all the time.

Then what is the meaning of saying YOU and ME?

Our body is not a fixed, static entity; It’s a constant process of which we all are a part.

We make new cells and drop old cells.

Science says our whole body gets 100 % recycled every seven years, and we don’t know about it.

And yet, whenever someone asks you ‘WHO ARE YOU?” you will point a finger toward your body and say, “This is me.”

Your whole body has been replaced and recycled in seven years, and the world has moved on.

The same Steve 7 years ago is not the same Steve today. “ I explained.
He was listening very attentively.

Finally, I said the punch line –

“ So if even your body is not yours, what makes you think that wife was YOURS?

What makes you think that girlfriend was YOURS?

What makes you think children are YOURS?

In seven years’ time, your wife, your girlfriend, your children, and even you have been recycled and replaced completely.

They have found their own happy world, and you have chosen to stay depressed.

Steve, there is nothing YOURS in life, not even your body.

So whenever, whatever, whoever comes into your life, enjoy them, then.

Life brought your wife, girlfriend, and children into your life, you enjoyed with them, and life has taken them away from you after a particular time.

If they were yours, they would have stayed with you, all your life.

If you cannot call your body YOURS, how can you tell them YOURS?”I asked

He kept thinking.

“But there is something YOURS.

Your soul, the one who witnessed the body changing over all these years.

That is REAL Steve.

Your soul is yours and will always stay with you.

Don’t get depressed about YOUR losses because they were never YOURS in the first place.

How can you LOSE something that was not YOURS?“ I explained.

“OK, Doc.” He said and left.

Two weeks later, his mom called, “ Doc, what did you tell to Steve? “ She asked

“Why? I just gave him a little piece of my mind. That’s all.” I said amusingly.

“Doc, He is like a changed man. He is so confident now, not depressed. Thank you. “ She said.

I smiled.


So, in essence, Sansar is a gigantic process involving not just humans but also animals and even inanimate objects like mountains, rivers, suns, moons, and galaxies.


This process is the intermingling of five grand elements ( mahabhut ).


In this process, there is an APPEARANCE of duality, but there is no duality.


All its components ( including YOU and ME ) have individual appearances, but it is only an appearance, not a reality.


Behind this facade lies a gigantic swirling process ( phenomenon ) involving the whole universe.


And this is not a big rocket science either.


It is a simple thing to understand.


We breathe the air that was breathed by so many and drink water, which has passed through so many humans and animals and trees and plants.