the knower ( the mind ) knows the known ( the object, but the actual player is the knowing itself ( the consciousness ).
Who defines the knower as a knower?
The consciousness.
Imagine if you are unconscious; you cannot be a knower.
When we are under anesthesia, we remain unaware of the whole operation.
So, consciousness is the catalyst for the process we call sansar.
A catalyst is a substance that causes a chemical reaction without causing a permanent chemical change.
Our consciousness is the catalyst without which Sansar cannot become meaningful ( functional ), yet it remains unchanged, and it has nothing to do with your gains or losses.
Consciousness is the steady Shankara, and the Sansar is the always Chanchal ( mobile ) energy ( Prakriti ) ( Parvati ), and yet both are ONE.
The knower ( āIā ) and the known are bound by subject and object, birth and death, cause and effect relationships; the knowing remains causeless, birth less and so deathless. ( Ajaat ).