What are the two biggest ignorances of human beings?

What are the two biggest ignorances of human beings?What are the two biggest ignorances of human beings?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

There are mainly two ignorances on our part.

1. We believe that this body is ME. ( Even though we always say “ My body, “never realizing who is ME? ).

2. We believe that – There is something meaningful and permanent to gain from Sansar.

Since we are preoccupied 24×7 with this complex web created by us, simple fact evades us.

If one wants to, one can wake up right here, right now, as the truth is straightforward.

Truths are always simple.

Lies are complex.

But we like complexity.

We keep attending many lectures, chanting mantras, visiting temples, discussing with others, and making our life very complex.

But the solution is right within.


Our own language is giving out hints about the truth, and yet we ignore it.

Because we don’t have time to analyze even what WE are saying, let alone what others are saying.

We not only say MY BODY, we even say MY MIND.


You don’t sit in Toyota and claim, “I’m Toyota”; you say, “My Toyota.” because Toyota and YOU are separate.

So, who is sitting in the vehicle of your body, is beyond your body and even beyond your mind ( thoughts, emotions, beliefs, convictions, acquired knowledge, everything )?

That is the formless, thoughtless consciousness, which is non-dual ( Advait ) because it is homogenous, and that’s why indivisible.

Even the word consciousness is misleading.

But we have to give it some name, so we do because, without a word, we can’t communicate.

Yes, the consciousness is, of course, conscious, but it is a lot more.

It is also the pure formless, attributes-less existence ( Nirgun, Nirakar ).

Physical actions make you move at the body level.

And even thoughts make you move ( even if they don’t end up in action).

That means we are moving constantly ( at the mind level ), all the time.

( It’s almost like sitting in Toyota 😊 ).

We go beyond it all when we discover our true selves ( answer to the question, WHO IS ME? ).

Movements stop, thoughts stop, discriminations stop, hatred stops, anger disappears, desires stop, directions ( East, west, north, south ) stop ( even at mind level ), and that’s why the sense of SPACE disappears.

Even the sense of TIME stops ( which was derived from the motions ( of the Sun and Earth ), but you still exist, without your perceived Sansar, which you believed to be so vital at one point.

Everything disappears, and you find yourself in the lap of almighty divine existence.


At that point, even YOU do not exist because your belief that “I AM THIS BODY AND MIND” also disappears.


And without the body and mind, who will you claim to be?


Only pure, glorious, formless, ever-present ( omnipresent ), pure awareness ( not awareness of, just pure awareness ) of existence remains.


And that’s where you bow down and touch the “feet” of glorious Parmatma – the giver of all.


He is in everyone, and everyone can find Him.


Meditation is a powerful tool that can take you there only by the power of observation.


Observe the motions ( of body and mind ), and you will find motionless ness ( Sthitpragnya state ) within you in deeper pocket of your heart – FIND IT.