What can I choose to focus on, in the initial stages of meditation?

What can I choose to focus on, in the initial stages of meditation?What can I choose to focus on, in the initial stages of meditation?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

The first step is to sit quietly and be only an observer of your breath OR something that you have very high regard and love for.

( in my case – The Sun, for which I have great affection and respect for what it does for us ).

It would help if YOU decide on the object ( not someone else ) because it is your journey.

Everyone’s inner makeup is going to be different.


This step is called “Dharna “ – one of the eight steps of Patanjali.

Someone can pick the Himalayan mountains, for example.

There is a spiritual reason for picking an appropriate object that you already have an inner affection and gratitude for, something that you highly regard.

By choosing such an object, you are already starting a tremendous spiritual journey in a gratitude mode, where your Ego is already subdued.

This makes it easy to surrender the Ego in the feet of Godliness if and when it appears.

You can also choose something that has made you happy in the past but something with grandeur, for example, a beautiful mountain, a great river, etc.

It is essential to start meditation in a happy mood.


Meditation is a communion with God himself, and the nature of God is ( Sat – Chit – Anand – Existence – Vitality – Bliss ).

God does not like unhappy people.

Never sit down to meditate when you are unhappy, but in such a state, you will only be looking for solutions for your problems.