What do you think about Karma Theory, Destiny, etc.?

What do you think about Karma Theory, Destiny, etc.?Author "admin"What do you think about Karma Theory, Destiny, etc.?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

If you want to speed up on the spiritual path, please dump the Karma theory TODAY.

I’m not saying it is wrong, but it is common sense, and everyone knows it.

Bad karma will bring bad results, and good will bring good.

That’s child’s stuff.

But, do you want to keep analyzing every event in life, based on karma theory, as if that is the ultimate goal on the spiritual path?


Rise above.

Whatever bad karma you have collected will bring results, and you cannot do anything about it.

Good karmas don’t wipe off the bad ones.

The main thing is NOT TO BUILD NEW KARMAS, that’s all.

Humans invented karma theory ( like all theories ).

It is nothing but a borrowed knowledge.

Animals don’t live by that.

Karma theory was meant for people to do good karma and stay away from bad karma.

Religious Gurus have made it very complex so that you get impressed and keep going to them till you die.

Which karmas are good and which are bad?

There is no easy answer.

Karmas are always what they are.

Karmas are not good or bad; the intentions behind them are good or bad.

Good can be bad, and bad can be good.

If you donate money to a beggar, and the beggar goes, buys alcohol, and beats up his wife.

Was donating money to him good karma or bad?

A surgeon putting a knife on a patient, is it good karma or bad?

Of course, good.

It’s not the karma that binds you; it’s the intentions behind them that bind you.

If someone had killed Hitler when he was a child, would that have been good karma or bad?

There are no easy answers.

Don’t get tangled in the complex web of good and bad.

You are getting sucked in the duality, away from non-dual Advait constructions.

Purify your intentions, and your karma will automatically purify.

Where are your intentions ( good or bad ) hiding?
In your mind.
So, why not just transcend the whole mind?

Let it connect with divine consciousness within.

Divinity will prevent you from having bad intentions, and your karmas will purify.

Accept the results of your bad karmas without complaints.

Karmas requires a doer.

If, via meditation, you learn how to become a non-doer, how would karmas bind you?

100 viruses on your hard drive don’t need 100 different antivirus programs.

Just format the hard drive?

I don’t worry about my karma; I worry about impurities in my mind and fix them individually.

Formatting the mind means abolishing its false belief in the Ego ( we just talked about the pot ) and making it realize that it is God itself.

Karma theory revolves around YOU ( Ego ) and the past and future.

When you connect with a thoughtless state, the mind does not exist.

So, YOU do not exist, and neither do past or future.

You become the PRESENT.

Theories are just theories, just garbage collected at the mind level.

Empty your mind.

Be thoughtless.

If I show a poem to my grandson and have him read it, what will he read?

A’s and B’s, and C’s only, because that’s all he knows.

He won’t be able to grasp the real joy of the poetry.

Life is a poetry.

Its deep meaning will come out only when you synchronize with the consciousness itself, nothing short of that.


Don’t DO GOOD, but BE GOOD.


Then automatically, you will DO GOOD.


Doing good is easy (the whole world is into it), but being good is not.


Being good from within requires facing the impurities of the mind, and no one wants to face them.


And that’s why they keep spending time with Dharmagurus for their advice, and this is what they get.


A child does not know karma theory, yet he always does good.




Because he has innocence within ( no mind ).


We also have an ocean of innocence within; we were born with it.


We must let the mind go from whatever it has collected in its life and connect with the ocean.


The biggest fallacy about Karma theory is that it centers around YOU.


It allows you to remain YOU – “your good karma, your bad karma, you should do this, and you should do that,” etc.


People who live a dualistic life of divisions ( you and me, mine and yours ), like this, because it matches with their current belief and current pattern of thinking and gives them the comfort of remaining what they are. No sacrifice.




Real spirituality says there is nothing like YOU.


That pulls the rug from under the feet of such people; they feel uncomfortable and walk away.


But whether you stay or walk away, TRUTH always remains the same. It asks for your sacrifice and says,” Come back when you are ready, and you will.”

Also, the mind is the creator of time – past, present, future, etc.


Karma theory relies heavily on TIME.


Past life karmas, future karmic sufferings, etc.


But in reality, once you transcend the mind, time also gets transcended.


There is nothing like time.

Time is a concept.

When asked, “ What would it be like in the kingdom of heaven ?” Jesus replied,” One thing is, there shall be TIME NO MORE.”


So, dump the karma theory and all other theories from the mind and enjoy the pristine silence of the bliss state.


Scriptures were fine when they were spontaneously written, but analysis of them and then further analysis of those analyses, etc, is nothing short of intellectual rape of innocent seekers of the spiritual path.


So, here, efforts are to remove the biggest illusion of all – YOU ARE NOT YOU.


YOU ARE THAT ( Tatvamasi )




I always say that merging into consciousness is like lying down in our mother’s lap ( she is our mother ).


If, to lie down in our mother’s lap, we must start making appointments or go through complex maze and tunnels, there is something wrong.


The path of Sansar is complexity and complexity, and the path to Godliness is simplicity to simplicity because Sansar is a path of divisions, and consciousness is the path of unification.