What does Tadatmya have to do with spirituality?

What does Tadatmya have to do with spirituality?What does Tadatmya have to do with spirituality?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

All we know is Sansar; in Sansar, we connect with many objects of pleasure.

We often connect deeply with them because they give us so much pleasure.

These relationships with such objects become so dense that they become our primary source of pleasure, and we cannot think of anything else.

We are happy with them.

(e.g., drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling, eating, entertainment, etc ).

So, when we feel stressed, and our mind becomes restless, we go to them to relieve our stress.

They almost become our Atma ( soul ).

We start worshipping them.

And they don’t fail us, either.

Such ONENESS is called Tadatmya – “You are my soul.”

In reality, ideally, the goal of life is to find the inner peace of the soul itself, which is above the mind.

But Tadatmya with the objects of pleasure is so solid and unfailing that we stop seeing any need to go within and find the Atma ( soul ).

Because it is hard, and consuming objects of pleasure is easy.

Sansar is full of traps to entice you.

Only wisdom will help you make the right choices and rise above them.

So, bringing wisdom to your doorstep and utilizing it in everyday life is real Practical Spiritual Life.