What is Anahat Naad ( sound ) and what is its significance?

What is Anahat Naad ( sound ) and what is its significance?What is Anahat Naad ( sound ) and what is its significance?
admin Staff answered 8 months ago

Anahat, as the word suggests, is a sound produced by the interactions of two objects.


All the sounds of Sansar are produced this way, because Sansar is a big collection of objects.


But not Anahat Naad. It is produced without such interactions.


So, where would the Anahat Naad be located?


sansar is a collection of objects.


And Sansar is outside.


Where else is the Sansar?


In a very subtle way, the reflections of the sansaric objects also interact in our minds, correct?


So, Anahat Naad cannot be hidden in the mind either.


So, Anahat Naad will have to be beyond the physical Sansar and even beyond the mental Sansar.


And beyond the mind is where the non-dual state is – Advait.


But the non-dual state is non-dual state.


There are no ears there.


What has to do with Naad ( sound )?


Silence and Naad, how do they mix together?


When you are in silence you hear naad.


Spiritual silence


Typically, our senses run outside, towards the Sansar.


When we start our inward journey, the senses stop running outside.


So, then what happens to these senses?


They turn inwards.


And as we go deeper, our connection with the consciousness keeps getting denser and denser, and sharper and sharper.


In such a heightened state of awareness, we can hear the cosmic sound, like crickets make at night.


This cosmic sound is being produced by the cosmos which is eternal, even before the universe was created.


That also means that this sound existed even before the universe was created ( Anadi—forever ), so there were no objects; and that’s why this sound is Anahat.


How does it help in meditation?


It can be a good pointer for you.


When you start hearing ( perceiving ) the Anahat Naad, you have entered the Advait zone, the zone of non-dual existence.


Anahat Naad marks the boundary from which your meditation gets denser, and a true Dhyan starts.


Of course, looking for that sound is the worst thing to do.


If you look for it, it won’t happen, because your mind is alive, looking for it.


You have to let it happen.


It may happen to you or it may not.


But if you know about it, maybe someday when you start perceiving it, you would know what it is.


Anahat Naad is a very deep experience and a very useful one.