What is Atma?

What is Atma?What is Atma?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Chaitanya Atma hei
– Shiv Sutra.
“Consciousness is the soul.”
Consciousness is not just awareness; it is the life force itself that keeps us alive.
It sounds so simple, but why is it so difficult to experience the soul?
The answer is simple – Sansar.
The way Sansar has been structured, everything in Sansar is created to make us less aware, and we call them happiness.
All sense pleasures revolve around the body and the mind, so the body and mind become a dense reality and the soul a nebulous, unknown entity.

Sansar makes you believe that remaining unaware is happiness.
Our labeling is wrong.
A child’s first birthday is celebrated, and everyone says, “ Let’s have a cake.”
The stressful exam is over, and we say, “ Let’s have a drink.”
As soon as a child grows up, we tell him you are a Jain or Hindu – again, a body-centric belief.
(The body may have a religion, but the soul does not ).
Boyfriends and girlfriends are chosen based on their body looks.
Great restaurant chefs are revered, and saints are hung on a cross.
If you look carefully, the whole society is UNAWARE en masse, and that’s why AWARENESS ( enlightenment ) has disappeared and is ridiculed.
Because the whole life journey revolves around the body and the mind, whole life gets lived in unawareness.
If someday Sansar changes and unawareness get labeled as unhappiness and remaining aware as happiness, en masse, enlightenment can happen.
But just talking about the soul would not do.
Soul is awareness.
Mediate and sharpen your awareness to find the ultimate joy of life – life itself.
While Sansar keeps creating myriads of choices to make you increasingly unaware, the spiritual path becomes a beacon for a crystal-clear clarity of choiceless awareness.