Cause and effect is a very straightforward and yet very profound fact that can help one on the spiritual path.
Everything that exists in nature ( including us ) had a prior cause for coming into existence.
For us, our parents were the cause, and for them, their parents, like that.
And the cause, in turn, becomes an effect.
We become a cause for our children.
They are our effects.
This way, the cycle goes on.
Whole Sansar is interlinked with each other in this cause-effect relationship.
Not just our birth, even our physical existence itself, right now, is an effect of something as we speak.
Its cause is the five elements of nature, the continuous cycle of which supports our physical body.
Nothing is fresh here.
Nothing is new here.
The same water you drink has been recycled through many other plants, animals, and other human beings.
And yet, we think that we are drinking “fresh” water.
Even our minds are not fresh.
Our thoughts are the effects of what is happening in our environment.
Nature, social media, news, friends, etc., are their cause.
If you trace our genealogy far enough in the past, every single organism, every single piece of matter, ultimately will reach a source which has no cause.
And that is the formless consciousness, which is not an effect of anything.
There is no way to go beyond that.
That’s where “buck stops”.
The spiritual path is to rise above ( transcend ) this stale cycle of cause and effect in which all are living.
And this way, we experience pure, causeless, and that’s why ever-fresh existence.