What is death?

What is death?What is death?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago


Death is an illusion, it is the separation of the mind from the body.

The body was assembled from 5 elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space, at the time of birth.

And at the time of death body gets disassembled back into the same five elements.

Even during “life,” this process continues ( and that’s how we get older ).

Despite continuous birth and death happening in our body – ( Childhood dies, adolescence is born, adolescence dies, adulthood is born, etc.

Even every single breath changes us, every single fake second. ) – Despite all that, our false belief that “ I am this body “ continues.

Five elements never get destroyed, but they get recycled to make something else.

The same molecules that were making the dinosaurs 165 million years back are making us now.

So we can’t say that the body dies because molecules never die.

And, of course, the soul is immortal because it is a spirit; it is formless.

So nothing dies at the time of death.

But suffering is there for sure.

And suffering happens at the mind level.

The mind suffers because it has a wrong belief that it is the body.

( Ask anyone – “ who are you?” and he/she will point towards the body and say,” This is me.” )

Mind is attached to the body so much that, when the disassembly of the body is happening, it “thinks” that it is dying, and it is a wrong belief, and that’s why the suffering.

There is only one way to remove this wrong belief – MEDITATE.

Once you come out of this wrong belief – THERE IS NO DEATH – ONLY LIFE.