What is death?

What is death?What is death?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

If life is only an interplay of five elements ( as we saw earlier ), and these elements don’t really die, the elements that make our body merge back with the large pool of elements, which in turn go on to make another body.

That means the body cannot die; it still lives as another body or in another form.

We also “know” that Atma doesn’t die, as it is a spirit.

So, where is death?

Death is only a belief at the mind level.

And the belief exists because we know ourselves as what we are not ( a fixed entity ).

That means Ego ( self-identification ) is an illusion.

That means birth is an illusion, and so is death.

Just as an intense sun is needed to vaporize the fog, a steady, unflinching, pure, clear observation via meditation, is required to vaporize this
illusory fog of our mind called Ego.