What is God? Where is God?

What is God? Where is God?What is God? Where is God?
admin Staff answered 6 months ago

There is no God, but there is Godliness.

The vast, infinite formless existence is Godliness.

There is nothing and no one higher than existence, which precedes everything and everyone.

Existence does not favor or discriminate against anyone or anything.

Existence does not speak; it is always in silence. You cannot talk to it, nor can you listen to it.

Existence does not write anything to anyone, and neither can anyone write a message to it.

Existence does not touch anyone, and neither can anyone touch it.

Our senses are meaningless, and our minds are futile in their perception of existence.

All the words, scriptures, rites, and rituals are mere products of the human mind and are

incapable of taking you to it because the existence already IS, and you are already there.

We have created a monstrous maze unnecessarily, and we are inescapably caught in it.

If at all, you need to empty your mind and see the futility of it all.

One thing you can do with it, though, – live it.

Living existence is living life.

An artist can make a statue of a human figure, but a mother giving birth to a child will always remain superior to any such statues or artists because a child is a live product—it is LIFE itself.

Living and respecting life fully is the ultimate worship of existence.

Life in you wants to know the world, so know it.

Life in you wants to explore, so explore.

Life in you wants to jump, play, sing, dance, or do whatever you want, so do it.

Be free from the man-created cocoon, and LIVE LIFE, don’t let the sansar decide how you should and how you shouldn’t.

This is a real communion.

Only when existence becomes the highest joy in life, every breath, every drop of water, every morsel of food, will become an opportunity to be grateful.

Live in gratefulness and a loving life.

The condition is – empty the mind.