What is mind?

What is mind?What is mind?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

The mind is a bundle of thoughts.

One thought is one thought, and a collection of thousands of thoughts is the mind.

If I tell you to spill a pale of water on the street, you will spill one on the road.

But if I tell you to spill one million pales of water in the street, it will become a river.


Mind is much more complex than just thoughts.

It includes emotions, feelings, beliefs, convictions, etc also.

“Bundle of Thoughts “ was a more straightforward way of explaining meditation.

While meditating, one has to observe the total mind – thoughts, beliefs, convictions, attachments, moh, krodh, Maya, greed, everything.

But also realize that – the origin of all is that single false thought

“ I am this body.”

Just like a single poisonous seed has the capacity to cover the whole earth’s surface with toxic forests if allowed.


With Drashta dhrsti ( eye of an observer ), we have to carefully transcend the whole mind until the last thought ( belief ) remains ( that I am this body ), and transcend that too.


That’s when your identification with the body drops, and you become self-realized.

Same way, the mind is a river of thoughts.

A river can be stormy, or a river can be gently flowing; either way, it is a flow of thoughts, and we will observe it in full awareness, impartially, and without judgment.