What is Money to you?

What is Money to you?What is Money to you?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

People’s fascination with money is boundless, and we see it everywhere.

Money is a product of Sansar.

There is no money in Nature.

Currency does not exist in the jungle.

A tree wouldn’t care if you walked into a jungle with a million dollars in a bag, a tree wouldn’t care.

A tree would give you a fruit, free.

Money has a limited value – Sansar.

And Sansar is the jail that we are trying to rise higher from.

Of course, money is essential to living in Sansar, but getting attached to it and running after it till we die is foolishness.

To rise higher, you need wisdom.

So, deep contemplative meditation as an observer, observing life, and digesting the essence of life in the total privacy of your inner mind space, will start giving you clarity about money and its futility beyond Sansar.

So, this futility has to be realized within with inner contemplative wisdom.

And in due time, this wisdom will start breaking your fatal attraction for money.

Once you realize this, you have entered Vishuddhachakra – the seat of wisdom.

Living a life of wisdom will free you up to live a meaningful life and make the right decisions.


Money divides because money is a product of dual Sansar ( you and me, him and her ), and everyone needs it.


So, me and mine are a way of life of Sansar.


Transcending the money via wisdom ( not physically giving it away ), makes a way for you to connect with a nondual state in due time.