What is passion, and what is Purpose?

What is passion, and what is Purpose?Author "admin"What is passion, and what is Purpose?
admin Staff answered 7 months ago

One response – “I wanted to be the best in my field, put all my energy into achieving what I wanted to learn, do, and move up, and even today, something new comes in that field, hungry to see what’s new. Hunger never stops. Even due to passion, I am ready to teach others in the field.”

Passion drives you to do something nobody has told you to do; you have just taken it up alone.

It is where whatever you do itself is the joy, and it is the reward. ( Amit’s example is a perfect Karmyog. )

People like these become Karmyogis.

The purpose means a higher cause.

The purpose is where you raise the level of your work and expand it to include others as beneficiaries rather than just you.

Caring for your family is a high purpose, but even a higher purpose is possible.

For example, doing something for the environment, helping poor people, thinking of customers first over and above you in your business, etc.

The list can be extensive.

But doing it once in a while is not a purpose.

The purpose takes over your life and becomes a focal point.

Life always brings such opportunities for all of us.

But many walk away without catching them.

Rare are the ones who seize them and let such a higher purpose transform their lives.

Spirituality can also be a passion directed within.

And, Outwardly directed passions and purposes can also help raise one’s spiritual vision.

Directed outward or inward, passion and purpose always bring great results because they intensify and channel your energy rather than letting it scatter.