What is ( Sat ), and what is (Asat)

What is ( Sat ), and what is (Asat)What is ( Sat ), and what is (Asat)
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Asat is something that “appears” to be real but is not.

The body of a human being or an animal looks alive from borrowed consciousness, but as soon as the consciousness gets withdrawn, the same body is not alive anymore.

And yet, the whole Sansar keeps running after Asat ( the dead matter ), and no surprise we leave empty-handed from life.

Meditation is all about realizing this and starts pursuing the “Sat” ( life itself ) rather than “Asat” ( death ).

Asat was dead right from the beginning; it appeared alive for some time and appeared dead again.

It’s time to find the REAL, THE TRUTH, “Sat,” here and now, before life ends.

What is ” never changing” Akhand ( unbroken, indivisible ), achal ( steady ), Anant ( permanent ), avikari ( free from impurities ), saday no chhe te…”purush” ” aatma ( soul ).

That is SAT

Reat is ASAT ….j which is constantly changing. (ever-changing).
– Prakruti.


Asat is Asat because it does not produce or bring anything substantial or meaningful.

First, we enjoy drinking, then try to give it up.

First, we enjoy unhealthy foods, get addicted to them, and then try to diet.

First, we run after money, accumulate it over and beyond our needs and then spend the rest of our life trying to figure out how to and who to distribute it to.

All along, Asat ( Sansar ) makes you run while making you believe that you are doing something meaningful, but you are not.

( And even great brains are caught up in this run ).


That’s why it is Asat- THE UNTRUTH.

All the movements we do all our lives are meaningless, self-crossing, mutually destructive, and never progressive.

( If at all progressive, in the wrong direction – towards Sansar, a life of negativity – filled with friction, competition, hatred, greed, fear, stress etc ).


Do you see anything wrong with it?

If you do, there is the path of spirituality, where actual meaningful movement takes place – an entry into the field of positivity, full of contentment and peace.

There is only one gati ( motion ), and it is within.

– Buddha