What is the fundamental difference between life in the forest and Sansar?

What is the fundamental difference between life in the forest and Sansar?What is the fundamental difference between life in the forest and Sansar?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

The primary difference between a Sansaric life and a jungle life ( not just a jungle visit ) is the level of security.
In Sansar, we feel secure.
We surround ourselves with a fort consisting of insurance, dependence on others, relying on medications, etc.
A secure mind starts investing extra time in imagining more pleasures and running after them.
And we don’t wake up until diseases strike us.
This “feeling secure” leads to an unaware mind ( like putting a car on autopilot and not even looking at the road – until the technology fails you ).
In the jungle, this security is taken away.
You need to be fully aware all the time.
This leads to a fully aware mind.