What is the fundamental difference between positivities and negativities?

What is the fundamental difference between positivities and negativities?What is the fundamental difference between positivities and negativities?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Positivities are built into us.

They are part of our nature.

Even if we want to, we cannot remove them.

But we have worked ourselves for negativities by trying to stand out, look superior or better than others, get more likes, respect, etc.

While running after these illusory ( and, ultimately, worth nothing ) goals, we have forgotten our true nature, full of positivity.

Nobody teaches a child to be happy; he just is.

He does not need to become friendly, share, or be kind to others; he just is ( until his ego builds up).

So, positivities are natural, and negativities are acquired from ignorance that “I” exists; it doesn’t.

If we all can understand this –

“ There is nothing and no one yours, including your body.”

“Everything belongs to the consciousness.”

The crazy run of the mind will start slowing down, taking away the negativities and their resulting sufferings.

Then, positivities will start surfacing from within.


Because they are just there.

You don’t have to work for them.

Meditation teaches you just that – how to be a non-doer.

“I” is the biggest illusion we all are living in.

It’s like the tricks of a magician.

To perform his tricks, he needs a proper environment, settings, and equipment, without which he cannot perform any tricks.

Similarly, we have created this imaginary “I,” and to support it, we need money, a car, siblings, parents, friends, Facebook clicks, etc.

But “I” is our trick, and who are we fooling? Us.

Coming out of this illusion is meditation.