What is the importance of love on the spiritual path?

What is the importance of love on the spiritual path?What is the importance of love on the spiritual path?
admin Staff answered 7 months ago

Love is where we submit our Raaga and Dwesha.

Raagas and Dweshas are our likes and dislikes.

Raagas and Dweshas are based on the material world—someone’s beauty, money, fame, etc.

So, when we drop our raagas and Dweshas, we rise above the material world ( the world of forms ).

And rising above the material world is an entry into the spiritual one.

Sansaric love is a conditional love.

“I love you” usually means I love your face, looks, beauty, money, intelligence, etc.

But that’s not a spiritual love.

Spiritual love is an unconditional love.

It is a bold step.

Because the mind is the holder of all likes and dislikes.

So, to experience unconditional love is to drop your mind and rise higher.

Now, compare this with Anahat Naad; the sound of Advait ( non-dual ) above the material sounds.

In that way, unconditional love is a gateway into Advait.

So, even though Anahat chakra anatomically is located at the heart level, it is much more than that.

All chakras on the axis of the kundalini are functional chakras.

They are through spiritual experiences only.

Traditionally, anatomically, they are connected with physical organs, but if you take them as that only, you will miss the whole message of spirituality.

When unconditional love arises within you toward someone, it turns into unconditional love for the world.

Without experiencing unconditional love, self-realization becomes a remote dream.

Conditions are material, and they have hardness.

Unconditional love softens your within and prepares you for the ultimate union with the consciousness.