What is wrong in having likes and dislikes, spiritually?

What is wrong in having likes and dislikes, spiritually?What is wrong in having likes and dislikes, spiritually?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

Our likes and dislikes are only a facade; they are major symptoms behind which lies a deeper illness, our Ego.
Every innocent-looking likes or dislikes are not just likes and dislikes; they are how the Ego redefines itself, it “says” – “My Likes” and ” My dislikes”. 
The whole world is full of likes and dislikes because the whole world is full of Egos.
As long as Egos exist, the chaos would too.
The existence of likes and dislikes in your mind itself shows that your mind has divisions; for every “Like”, there is a “Dislike”.
And Ego feeds on divisions.
The mind likes divisions and hates uniformity.
Because only in divisions lies the need of the mind ( to do something about it ).
When uniformity comes, the mind disappears, because its role is over ( to take you to your likes and away from your dislikes ). 
So, to establish uniformity, you again have two choices – either you like everything and everyone, or you dislike everything and everyone.
Which one would you choose?
The obvious answer is – Like and Love everyone and everything. 
Then the mind disappears and He ( The consciousness ) manifests.