What is spiritually wrong with gambling?

What is spiritually wrong with gambling?What is spiritually wrong with gambling?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

Gambling is all about living in the future.

While gambling is present, we live in the future with our minds focused on monetary rewards, which haven’t happened yet.

So, with our eyes on the future, we deviate from the present, and what is present? – nothing but consciousness.

God has always knocked on our door, but we are not home.

Consciousness is timeless, birthless, and deathless, and that’s why it is sanatan ( perpetual ).

Consciousness is nothing but a total mass of NOW.

So, Deepak was correct in saying that gambling deviates us from spirituality.

The past and the future exist only in our minds.

They are not real.

They are our mind’s imaginations.

Without a mind, they disappear.

The problem with the future is that no one can predict it.

It is in the hands of the consciousness. ( Krishna the consciousness ).

And that’s why living in the future becomes the cause of anxiety, stress, restlessness, apprehension, depression, anger, etc.

A person, not gambling does not go through this suffering and lives peacefully.

And that’s why Krishna recommends Karmyoga to do your duties and leave the results up to me.

By expecting certain rewards in the future, we are competing with Krishna, and who has won against Krishna?

This is how gamblers are very far from karmyoga, and that’s why they suffer.