What kind of mental state is necessary to succeed on spiritual path?

What kind of mental state is necessary to succeed on spiritual path?What kind of mental state is necessary to succeed on spiritual path?
admin Staff answered 2 years ago

                                                                                 I HOPE

I hope.

I hope I get some fire in this snowy place.

I hope I get some heat in this cold city.

I hope some beautiful music arises in this horrific quiet place.

I hope someone plays out some beautiful tunes in this dark graveyard.

I hope some beautiful tree suddenly blooms out of nowhere.

I hope some bird sings a beautiful song in this deafening silence.

I hope some nice cool breeze comes and caresses my face in this intense heat.

( Translation of a beautiful poem – Author Unknown ).

This is a state of a Sadhak, who has realized the worthlessness of Sansar and is pursuing the spiritual path. ( Vairagya , renunciation ).

Vairagya can be of two types.

1. Someone who leaves Sansar to pursue a spiritual path looking for God.

2. Someone who already has realized God and has lost interest in Sansar because it is meaningless.

The second one is a mature Vairagya ( renunciation ).